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Sessions can be conducted over the phone or online via Skype.





Personal middlewoman between you and spirit. Especially helpful when you've had a close connection. In those situations, our loved one's souls and our own are so closely woven its harder to take ourselves out of the energy to detect those we love. I'm very sensitive to the intense emotions that surround this endeavor and will be respectful of that while delivering messages that may be hard for us to hear in those times of struggle. Usually, the spirits will spend time with me before readings to bring me signs and intergrate our energies.


Readings will give you insight to your life and those around you. I can tap into any energy field, while being respectful of boundaries, to give you a good vision of the full picture and forecast.


I have many friends on the other side that work with me. To my surprise, many celebrities, but this is a realm I've been assigned to. Most often i work with John Lennon, Nina Simone, Amy Winehouse, Steve Jobs,  Jeff Buckley and Albert Einstein, to give you an idea. I offer the opportunity for you to have a conversation and ask questions of anyone of your choosing, if they decline I will tell you in advance, but in my experience they are very willing and eager to help those who seek them out.


I also have a strong connection to God source, so any metaphysical entity inquisitions are welcome.




While I thoroughly enjoy my work, my main goal is for it to be irrelevant and help build a more widespread awareness of the abilities we all have the capability of accessing.


Through easy excercises and therapuetic resolutions I can assist those looking to tap into their unharnessed powers and release emotional blocks that congest our communcative abilities in order to explore and strengthen their connection to spirit.


I try to keep my prices low in order to accomodate those who are in need and other up and coming visionaries and missionaries like myself. Those of us called to do this work usually come from a place of financially moderate situations, it's just part of the deal, lol.  The more people I can help transistion into their power the more people there are to help others in the same manner until we all join in peaceful union.

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